Cyber Insurance

Navigate the Digital Risk Landscape with Confidence

What is Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for losses related to cyber attacks, data breaches, and other cyber-related risks. This includes coverage for costs related to the investigation, notification, and recovery from a cyber attack or data breach, as well as liability protection for third-party claims resulting from a cyber incident.

Why is Cyber Insurance Important?

Having cyber insurance is important for several reasons. First, it helps protect your business from financial loss in the event of a cyber attack or data breach. These incidents can be expensive to investigate and recover from, and can result in lost revenue and damage to your reputation. Second, it can help protect your customers' data. If your business stores sensitive information about your customers, such as their credit card numbers or social security numbers, you have a responsibility to protect that information. Cyber insurance can help you meet that responsibility. Finally, having cyber insurance can help provide peace of mind. Knowing that you're protected from cyber threats can help you focus on growing your business.

What does Cyber Insuarance Cover

  • This benefit pays your business to cover the damages caused by a cyber attack or a breach. This includes investigative services, data recovery expenses, and business interruption costs.

  • This benefit is paid directly to your clients or business partners that are affected by the breach or the attack. It will cover legal fees, settlement costs, security failures and digital media liabilities.

  • This benefit will pay for illegal acts that are performed by digital means. This includes payment for ransom, extortion phishing scams, social engineering, and wire transfer fraud.

  • Your business is hit by a ransomware attack that encrypts your company's data and demands payment to release the files. You hire a cybersecurity firm to help recover your data and pay the ransom to the attacker.

    In this case, your cyber insurance would provide coverage for the cost of hiring the cybersecurity firm, as well as the cost of the ransom payment. If the attacker releases the files and they're corrupted or damaged, your insurance may also cover the cost of restoring the data.

  • Your business suffers a data breach in which customer credit card numbers are stolen. You're required to notify all affected customers, provide credit monitoring, and pay for identity theft insurance for those impacted.

    In this case, your cyber insurance would provide coverage for the costs related to notifying customers, providing credit monitoring, and paying for identity theft insurance. If a customer sues your business as a result of the data breach, your insurance would also cover the cost of hiring a lawyer and any legal fees or settlements.

  • Your business's website is hacked and defaced with offensive images and messages. A customer sues your business for emotional distress resulting from viewing the content.

    In this case, your cyber insurance would provide coverage for the cost of hiring a lawyer and any legal fees or settlements resulting from the lawsuit. If the website hack also results in lost revenue or other damages to your business, your insurance may also provide coverage for those losses.

How Coverage Works

Cyber insurance coverage typically includes two types of protection: first-party coverage and third-party coverage.

First-party coverage provides protection for your business in the event of a cyber incident. This can include things like the cost of hiring a cybersecurity firm, the cost of recovering lost data, and the cost of notifying customers about a data breach.

Third-party coverage provides protection for claims or lawsuits brought against your business by third parties as a result of a cyber incident. This can include things like lawsuits resulting from a data breach or website hack.

Cyber insurance typically includes a coverage limit, which is the maximum amount that your insurance company will pay out in the event of a claim or lawsuit.

It's important to work with an insurance agent to determine the right level of coverage for your business. The amount of coverage you need will depend on the size and type of your business, as well as the level of risk involved in your operations.

Your Business is Unique,

and so are your insurance needs. Let's sit down together and craft the perfect insurance plan for your business.

Schedule a consultation with me, Agent Benji, to discuss your specific requirements and how I can provide loyal service and dependable coverage.