Dental & Vision Plans

Comprehensive Coverage for Every Smile and Gaze

Embrace a Healthier You with Our Dental and Vision Plans

Your dental and visual health are key components of your overall well-being. Our plans are designed to provide extensive care and protection, ensuring you maintain optimal health in these essential areas.

In-Depth Dental Coverage

  • Preventive Care: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial for maintaining oral health. Our plans cover routine exams, cleanings, and essential x-rays to prevent dental issues.

  • Restorative Services: We offer coverage for necessary dental work including fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures, ensuring your smile stays healthy and functional.

  • Specialized Dental Treatments: For more specific needs, such as orthodontics for alignment, periodontics for gum health, and endodontics for root canals, our plans provide options for comprehensive care.

Vision Care Tailored to Your Needs

  • Eye Exams: Regular eye exams are vital for maintaining good vision and identifying issues early. Our plans cover comprehensive eye examinations.

  • Corrective Lenses: Whether you prefer glasses or contact lenses, we offer coverage options for your corrective eyewear needs, including allowances for frames and lenses.

  • Advanced Eye Care Services: Protect against eye diseases with screenings and treatments for conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. Our plans may also offer benefits for laser vision correction procedures.

Book Your Consultation Today!

Click below to book an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier gaze and smile.

Preparation Tips for Your Dental and Vision Plan Consultation

Personal Information:

  • Provide your full name, date of birth, and contact details.

  • Include any family members or dependents who need coverage.

Coverage Needs:

  • Specify whether you are interested in dental, vision, or both.

  • Indicate if you need coverage for yourself, your family, or your employees (if applicable).

Current Coverage:

  • Mention if you currently have any dental or vision insurance.

  • Provide details about your current plan, including the insurance provider and coverage levels.

Preferred Dentists or Eye Care Providers:

  • If you have preferred dentists or eye care specialists, share their names and locations.

  • Check if your preferred providers are within the insurance network.

Specific Needs:

  • Describe any specific dental or vision needs you or your family members have, such as orthodontics, eyeglasses, or contact lenses.


  • Determine your budget for monthly premiums and any out-of-pocket costs like copayments or deductibles.

Coverage Preferences:

  • Specify the type of coverage you prefer, such as PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) or HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) for dental plans.

  • For vision plans, consider whether you want coverage for eyeglasses, contact lenses, or both.

Annual Checkups:

  • Mention how often you and your family members typically schedule dental checkups and eye exams.

Existing Health Insurance:

  • Inform your insurance agent if you have existing health insurance and inquire about bundling options for dental and vision coverage.

Questions and Concerns:

  • Prepare any questions or concerns you may have about the dental and vision plans, including coverage limitations, waiting periods, and in-network providers.

1Dental Savings Plans

1Dental Savings Plans

1Dental plans are membership programs with exclusive savings. Dentists have agreed to lower rates for members, so you pay a small fee to join and save big at every dental visit.

Plan members must pay for all services but will receive a discount from participating providers.